25.26.0 - On Premise
Version 25.26
Enthält alle Änderungen seit Version 25.18.0
Neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen:
RQ059363 - Test scenario | Automation | Schedule executions of the test scenarios in a web client
RQ061420 - Password | server configuration option to hide "make password visible" option from login/reset password modal
RQ062146 - Project import tool | Support showing test scenario value on navigation to which test cases belong
Gelöste Fehler:
DF062938 - Import from Testrail | Testcase type of Exploratoy Session has no step when importing to aqua
DF060747 - Views | it is impossible to select a project when copying View if there are fewer than 12 projects
DF062974 - File downloads still request storage directly
Last updated
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