Create a test case from a test case page
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Generating a test case from a test case page
You can generate a test case from the test case page itself too. The minimum required to create a test case is a bit of a context, but the more information you contribute, the more comprehensive test case will be generated.
Please note that you can create only one test case from a test case page. This is useful when you want to generate a positive path test case alongside a negative one, and vice versa.
To create a test case, first click the 'Test' button.
If you have multiple requirements linked to a test case, you need to select only one requirement as a basis to generate more accurate test cases.
If you have only one requirement, then no actions are required, it will be taken as the basis for a test case generation.
If you don't have any requirement linked, then you can decide based on which option you want your test case to be generated.
You can either proceed with a description as context, link a requirement or upload a file.
Once you provided the base information, select number of steps you prefer and a path.
Once a test case is generated, you can add it as an additional test case to the repository or update the existing one.