Generate test case based on a file

In situations when you have your requirements passed to you in pdf, excel or just screenshots of the app as png, or UML diagram for the login process, now you can feed this information to AI and ask it to create a test case based on this information.

Click the ‘Add test case' button on the main page

Then select creation of a test case based on a file.

Upload a file in one of the supported formats

Once the file is uploaded, you can optionally add a description to give AI Copilot some context.

Then select the number of steps and path and click the ‘Create’ button.

The AI Copilot will start generating a test case.

Once it’s created, save it, review it further, and make any necessary modifications based on specific needs.

Please note that while this feature is in beta, it has a few limitations:

  • It can process only 1-page PDF files.

  • It can generate only one test case at a time.

  • Only 50 credits for generation are provided for the entire organization and are reset on the 1st day of each month.

  • Regenerating a test case based on a file uses one credit.

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Last updated