Adding and editing user profile
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To navigate to user administration click the hamburger menu (☰) in the top-left corner, and select User administration under the Server Configuration section.
To add a new user, simply click the "Add User" button.
Once the new user page opens, provide the following required information:
First name
Last name
Optional information:
Please note that for the user's username, certain special characters commonly found on standard keyboards are not allowed. These restricted characters include: @, ", /, =, ?, [, ], , +, *, :, ;, >, <, and |.
After filling in all the necessary details, click the Create user button in the top-right corner to save the new profile.
Once the user has been created, you'll need to assign a license. To do this, click the 'Add license' button and select the license you wish to assign to the user.
Please note that users without an assigned license will not be able to access aqua.
When a user's assigned license expires, the user is automatically deactivated. Once licenses are renewed, the user will be automatically reactivated and assigned an available license of the corresponding type upon their next login (provided there are sufficient licenses available). Otherwise, you can manually assign a license to the user.
Next select the project you want to asign to users by clicking on the 'Assign project' button.
When the pop-up appears, select one or multiple projects, choose the applicable role, and then click the Assign button.
You can select as many projects as needed; however, only one role can be chosen, which will be applied to all selected projects.
You can later modify or select a different role for a project or specific folder by updating it directly in the assigned projects list.
You can assign the Server Administrator role to a user by clicking on the corresponding toggle within the user profile.
This is a privileged role in aqua that provides additional permissions beyond regular user roles. Specifically, the Server Administrator:
can manage users and assign server administrator role to other users,
has access to ALL projects
can assign/unassign all projects within the system
can create, edit or delete roles&permissions.
can view global activity log,
can modify integrations,
enable or disable AI functionalities (public and private cloud only)
Please assign this role only to those users who needs these set of extra permissions.
To edit a user account, select the user from the grid, then click the preview icon followed by Edit profile, or click the three-dot menu and select the corresponding option.
Reset Password option allows you to send an email with a new password to a user who has forgotten their password. To trigger the email, select the 3 dots icon and then press 'Reset Password'.
Deactivate User allows you to revoke access for a selected user so that he/she cannot log in to aqua. You can reactivate the user at any time.
You can deactivate user either from the grid by switching the toggler off or from the user profile.
To deactivate multiple users, select them from the grid by checking their respective checkboxes, then click the three-dot menu at the top of the grid and select Deactivate. You can follow the same steps to activate multiple users at once.
To delete a user, select the user from the grid and choose the corresponding option from the three-dot menu, or delete directly from the user profile. To delete multiple users, select them from the grid by checking their respective checkboxes, then click the three-dot menu and select the Delete option from the top of the grid.
Please note that this action cannot be undone. All tickets created by these users will remain but will display N/A in place of the user's name.
The user information will also be removed from all fields in all items where it was stored (e.g. Created By, Assigned To, Tested By, etc.) in accordance with the GDPR.