Filtering and grouping


Useful when:

  • You want to see what filters are applied to the grid

  • You need to granulary change the applied filtering

  • You want to apply filtering and then create a custom view


In the old version of aqua, filters were located on the ribbon in the Item grid group. But in the latest version, we've moved filters to a separate group closer to the grid. This makes it more convenient for you to view subsets of the information displayed.

To view a subset of the information that is currently displayed, click on the Filter button and select one of the available options.

Select the Filter row option to display items that meet specific criteria for a given column or use Add filter for more advanced filtering scenarios.

Once you applied a filter, all the criteria you had selected will be displayed at the top of the grid, making it easy for you to see what filters are active.

If you need to remove a filter, simply click on the 'x' next to the filter label. The other filters will remain active.

Grid and columns

Last updated