Creating and editing a new project plan

Efficient planning works best with up-to-date data. aqua uses a central database and makes all your relevant project data available for access in your project plans. To introduce a new project plan, press on Project Planner and afterwards New in group actions in the ribbon bar. If you have done so, the following window opens:

  1. Ribbon with context relevant buttons

  2. Detailed information of the project plan

  3. List of activities

  4. View as Gantt chart

  5. Zoom (for Gantt chart)

To introduce a new activity, press Crtl+N or use the corresponding Ribbon button. In the list of activities, a new activity is created. The name is New Activity.

Change the following fields in the list of activities:

Name: Your Project Name

Actual work: 352

Resource: A user in your project

Save changes and close the Project Plan by pressing Crtl+Shift+S (or using the corresponding button in ribbon bar). When you are finished, you can set the status of the plan to Active.

Last updated