Testlink: importer tool for migrating test cases to aqua

Follow these steps to set up the TestLinkImporter tool and successfully migrate your test cases from TestLink to Aqua:

Download and extract the zip file

First, you need to download the TestLinkImporter.zip file. Please find the file below.

Then extract the contents of the zip file to your desired location.

Prepare the import folder

Open the extracted folder. You should see several files.

Place the file you want to import into the toImport folder.

Configure the importer

Open the TestLinkImporter.exe.config file with a text editor.

Provide the following values:

  • Endpoint address: In the <client> section, set the endpoint address. Ensure it ends with aquaAPI/Mainservice.asmx.

  • Username: Your aqua username.

  • Password: Your aqua password.

  • apiUrl: This should also end with aquaAPI/Mainservice.asmx.

  • ProjectName: The name of your project in aqua.

  • FolderName: The name of the folder where the test cases will be imported.

Save and close the config file after making the changes.

Please note that you should pre-create projects and folders in aqua in advance.

Run the importer

Open the TestLinkImporter.exe file.

Press the Enter key twice.

You will see a modal indicating that the file is being imported. Once the test cases are migrated, the modal automatically closes.

Verify the import in aqua

Switch to aqua app and reload the browser or click on the Refresh button. The imported items should now be listed in the navigation grid under the project/folder you provided during configuration of the import.

By following these steps, you should be able to migrate your test cases from TestLink to aqua quickly.

Last updated