
System Requirements – aqua Server

andagon recommends the following minimal hardware configuration:

  • Intel Core Processor 4x2,4GHz or higher / AMD 64bit Quad Core Processor 4x2,4GHz or higher

  • 8 GB RAM or higher

  • At least 5 GB free hard disk space plus at least 10 GB database space or higher

Software requirements for installation:

  • Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022

  • Database

Microsoft SQL Server 2016/2017/2019 Edition (64 bit) (recommended)

  • Full Text Search

  • Authentication Mode: Mixed Mode

  • Properties on aqua DB

  • Allow Snapshot Isolation (true)

  • Is Read committed Snapshot On (true)

Note: Express Edition of MS SQL works as well, but it is very limited in size (DB's up to 10GB), CPU (1 Core only) and RAM (1 GB). Hence, we do not recommend Express Editions for productive use.

Oracle 12.2/18/19 (64 bit) (recommended)

  • Oracle Text

  • Oracle Client ( with dependencies)

  • Java (64 bit)

  • SSD (if possible)

  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher


  • ISAPI-Extensions, ISAPI-Filter

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

  • Port 80

To install aqua on port 443, ensure your organization is using HTTPS and that the necessary certificates are in place. For installation on an existing MS SQL server, verify that full-text search is supported.

Last updated